Minor Fixes - Version 1.0.1

Howdy howdy! Day 1 patch here we goooo.

  • Added \n (newlines) to Engraving and Conversion tooltips to prevent the tooltips from bleeding offscreen.
  • Ice Die won't freeze if it's already frozen (was annoying for it to keep freezing and making noises).
  • Increased money per round slightly.
  • Fixed aspect ratio issues and made the game resizable (Thank you plaistocene for pointing this out!)

I am currently looking into methods to tackle the issue of focusing on columns 2,3 and 11,12, as it can make the game almost trivial.

Also, I am looking to add "Trinkets" which act as passive effects / buffs that can be purchased from the store. They aren't linked to any dice and act similarly to "artifacts" from other roguelike games.

Thank you for reading and happy gaming!



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You could flip the focus on 2,3,11,12 by changing the score condition from "least attempts" to  "least rerolls" for some (but not all) rounds. That would force the player to work with what they have instead of using the rerolls to finish the round as fast as possible. Cheers!